shíshálh Community Services Division Health Department
Located within the shíshálh Nation Government District, and across the street from the Sechelt Hospital, the shíshálh Community Services Division Health Department strives to improve the health and wellness of shíshálh Nation members.
Currently, the department’s healthcare team consists of a Health Manager, Home Health Liaison, Community Health Nurse, Health Programs Assistant, Public Health Nurse, Community Home Care Nurse, Health Benefits Coordinator, Home Support workers, Medical Transportation Driver, and Meals on Wheels Cook.
Together, the team delivers a comprehensive range of health programs to the shíshálh community, including: Maternal & Child Health, Immunizations, Flu Clinics, In-Home Care, Foot Care, Diabetes Care, Wound Care, Chronic Disease Care, FNHA Medical Transportation Benefits, and Meals on Wheels.
The healthcare team also promotes traditional and cultural approaches to health practices through initiatives like the Jeh Jeh Circle of Care, an innovative wrap-around model of care that utilizes a complex care management approach to support community members with the highest care needs.
Looking ahead, the shíshálh Health Department will add a part-time Nurse Practitioner, a part-time PCN Registered Nurse, and a full-time Elder & Community Champion to its team, as part of an effort to develop culturally safe care for its clients.
Additionally, the Golden Eagle Rising Society is collaborating with the shíshálh community to develop an Indigenous-designed healthcare clinic to be located on the Sechelt Hospital campus.
Lilxmitawtxw, or “House of Caring”, is envisioned to be a longhouse-style, environmentally friendly cedar building that will house a culturally appropriate and trauma-informed service model.
The new clinic would serve shíshálh Nation members, and provide training opportunities around Indigenous care.
A project proposal for Lilxmitawtxw has been submitted to Vancouver Coastal Health.